Photo Frame (Silver)

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THB 9,500.00

Photo Frame (Silver)Size W 9.5 xH 7.75 inch
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Product Details
The Molten Collection celebrates hand-craftsmanship at its most intense level. Every bead is an individual weld that has been carefully dropped in place by a very skilled artisan. Each piece is visibly different from another because the beading changes subtly based on the individual style of the artisan that made it. This collection represents streamlined, timeless shapes. The etched surface also with high polished stainless steel. The artisan nature of the work imbues it with a soulful quality and an energy, which Michael Aram feels is only possible with work, which reflects the hand of the maker.
More Information
Material Nickleplate
Dimension W 9.5 xH 7.75 inch
Unit Of Measurement Piece